Be positive - be a peacemaker!

Hello everyone!! I will be off and running early in the morning so here goes tonight late. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!!
1 Peter 3:11 "Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it."
Wow, do the rulers of many nations need to follow this. Too often we see peace as merely the absence of conflict and we think of peacemaking as a passive role. But an effective peacemaker actively pursues peace by building good relationships, knowing that peace is a by-product of commitment.
The peacemaker anticipates problems and deals with them before they occur. When conflicts arise, they are brought into the open and dealt with before they grow unmanageable. Making peace is hard work- you have to search for it and work to maintain it - but it results in GOD'S BLESSING.
Say something positive to people today, avoid the negative, accentuate the positive, just see how the day goes. Don't worry,be happy! Thanks for reading. Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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