What Heaven Holds

Good morning all! A great day to just stop and say, "thank you Jesus." God is good all the time, all the time God is good. I received a devotional from Max Lucado that really touched me as I hope it will do to you as well.
What Heaven Holds
There is joy in the presence of the angels of God when one sinner changes his heart and life.
Luke 15:10 (NCV)
Why do Jesus and his angels rejoice over one repenting sinner? Can they see something we can't? Do they know something we don't? Absolutely. They know what heaven holds. . . .
Heaven is populated by those who let God change them. Arguments will cease, for jealousy won't exist. Suspicions won't surface, for there will be no secrets. Every sin is gone. Every insecurity is forgotten. Every fear is past. Pure wheat. No weeds. Pure gold. No alloy. Pure love. No lust. Pure hope. No fear. No wonder the angels rejoice when one sinner repents; they know another work of art will soon grace the gallery of God. They know what heaven holds.
From: Just Like Jesus
Copyright (Word Publishing, 1998)
Max Lucado
Thank for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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