
Monday, June 01, 2009

Ripples of Truth

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Yesterday, while riding on our boat I observed the water and its reaction to an outside disturbance.

When we cast a stone into the water, small waves or ripples begin. These ripples go out 360 degrees, a full circle. This first wave travels until it dies out, and there is another wave behind it, following, moving to extinction.

However, where we cast the stone into the water, the epicenter, waves seem to come forth for a while. Once all is still, then the water will once again be peaceful until we cast another stone into the water, once again causing ripples or waves.

Coult this be like our Christian life. Christ being the epicenter, and we go to be renewed, then spread the word. For some of us this is Sunday, Christ is our stone cast into the water and we are the ripples carrying the word. But, unfortunately, our ripples die out by night fall.

For others, when our ripple starts to die out, or be no longer, we go back to the epicenter, Jesus Christ, and renew. Another stone is cast, new ripples and we constantly spread the news.

The Holy Spirit gives spiritual life; without the word of the Holy Spirit, we cannot even see our need for new life. All spiritual renewal begins and ends with God. He reveals truth to us, lives within us, and then enables us to respond to that truth. John 6:63-65

Thank you for reading today. When does your ripple die out? Or do you return to the word for renewal? Love you all.

In Christ’s Love and Grace



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