Money? Money!
Wow! What a day! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!! Let's cut to the chase. Monday Revelation 4
What about money! Is it the root of all evil? I don't think so, however, the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil. Excessive concern about money can close a life to the entry of God's Spirit. The constant need for money to buy food or clothing or shelter or medical care or other necessities can keep a person scrambling for dollars day and night. And the seemingly continuous rise in prices means that what was enough yesterday is not enough for today or for tomorrow.
Ecclesiastes 5:10 "Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness!"
1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. and some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows."
Should we tithe? Yes we should, as Bob the builder would say. Can you do it? yes you can. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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