To bloom or not to bloom
Good morning everyone!! Yes, God is good all the time, all the time God is good. I have to say that I know God is in control and all will be well today. Thank you Jesus!
John 10:10 "Jesus said, 'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.'"
This is coming out of my daily devotional book I read and from me. A mixed thought for the day. Children have fun blowing the seeds off dandelions and watching them float away in all directions. Once they are gone they look for more dandelions or are disappointed all the little seeds are gone. You can't put them back. You cannot create once again what God created.
As the seeds float in the wind some land on pavement, some on rock, and some on fertile soil. Each seed is looking for a place to land, live, and continue the life cycle it was given.
This is so much like our life. We plant seeds, some good seeds and some bad seeds. The bad seeds you planted in your past are forgiven through Jesus. The good seeds have landed on fertile soil. Some may lie dormant for years before they bloom, some may bloom right away.
When life blows us in new or different direction many time we become uncomfortable. Why? Simple, we are out of our comfort zone. God calls us toward new horizons,new adventures, and new paths. This is where we cast out more seeds; seeds of salvation.
God has a place prepared for us where we can put down roots and bloom. First, here on earth; then as a heavenly body with Him in heaven. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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