
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Nahum? Yes, Nahum!!

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time all the time God is good. May your day be wonderful, safe, and enjoyable in the LORD!

Nahum! Old testament book right after Micah. Nineveh's judge. What, Jonah already went here. Yes, but let's fast forward 100 years and see where Nineveh is not.

God would judge the city of Nineveh for its idolatry, arrogance, and oppression. Although Assyria was the leading military power in the world, God would completely destroy this "invincible" nation. God allows no person or power to usurp or scoff at HIS authority.

Anyone who remains arrogant and resists God's authority will face HIS anger. No ruler or nation will get away with rejecting HIM. No individual will be able to hide from HIS judgment. Yet those who keep trusting God will be kept safe forever.

Nahum 1:1 "This message concerning Nineveh came as a vision to Nahum, who lived in Eikosh."

Nahum, like Jonah was a prophet to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, 663-612 B.C. Eikosh was a village believed to be in southwest Judah. Jonah has seen Nineveh repent a century earlier but the city had fallen back into wickedness.
We will continue on in Nahum tomorrow. Does Nineveh remind you of any place? Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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