Psalm 119:10-11 God's word in your heart is not enough!
God morning everyone! This is better than a good morning! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Psalm 119:10-11 "I have tried hard to find you - don't let me wander from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
When we learn scriptures, memorize them, they are in our heart; this is not a deterrent to sin. I know the speed limit but does this make me drive the speed limit?
I have the scriptures in my heart, now I must act upon them. Just like the speed limit sign, I am driving 70 and the speed drops to 60; what do you do? You apply the new sign to what you are doing. In the same way, you learn a scripture and then apply it to you life.
Satan is running with the football in the world today; what are you going to do? Sit the bench?
Think about this: Amos 5:4. “Seek me and live.” Are you? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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