Mark 4:39-41 Who is afraid of the wind?
Good morning everyone! Another great day to praise JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!
Have you ever just stopped and thought about the wind. This is something we cannot see, yet we see the results of it. Which direction does it come from? Anywhere! How can we control it? We can't! Can we harness its energy? No!
So, the wind comes from anywhere, blows anyway it wants, and it is uncontrollable. BUT, listen to this.......Jesus was on a boat with the disciples and a great storm came up with the wind tossing the boat. They woke Jesus, and what was Jesus' response? Mark 4:39 "When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the water, "SILENCE, BE STILL!" Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. (40) Then he asked them, "WHY ARE YOU AFRAID? DO YOU STILL HAVE NO FAITH?" (41) The disciples were terrified, "Who is this man?" they asked each other. "Even the wind and waves obey him."
These men lived with Jesus yet underestimated Him. They did not see that His power applied to their own situation. Jesus has been around for us 21 centuries yet we underestimate his power to handle crises in our lives. We know enough about Jesus, we study the word, and we cannot use the same excuse. Are you afraid? Do you have the faith?
The wind that blows in our lives should be the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow we will talk about John 3:8 and Eph 4:14. Give it all to JESUS!!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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