Galatians 2:20 Does Christ live in you?
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Just stop and think about this for a moment. I have visited with some people who has turned away from "religion" because of the "Christians."
What? Why would they turn away because of Christians? Very simple, as Paul talks about in Galatians, are we saved by the law or by faith? By faith, meaning we have accepted Jesus Christ as our LORD and savior and it is free. So?????
Well, that means that we should walk as Jesus walked. We should show love, compassion, and the Holy Spirit who dwells within us would be our leading and guiding force. Well, what happens?
We decide we need rules, because just having faith isn't enough. So we set in place rules for each denomination to follow, we work so hard on these rules we forget, uh, what, FAITH!
We live like a saint and are holy when the church doors are open and we are there. Then.......when we are away our "true character" leaps forth with great strength and enthusiasm, thereby squelching the Holy Spirit, placing our "Christian" behavior on the back shelf until the church doors open again. Then what happens?
The newly saved or ones at the point of making a decision see what we are truly like and think I don't need that. I don't want to be hypocritical like they are. What is wrong with this picture. The problem is HEART! Jesus needs to be in our HEART, so we will live and portray His example. Don't be hateful, don't be pushy, but be loving with compassion, go forth and plant seeds. God will nurture them, water them, and help the seeds grow.
Galatians 2:20 "It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me."
Love you all. Let Jesus shine in you today!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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