Obadiah - A god nation or godless nation?
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Wow! Have you ever just stopped and read Obadiah? Very interesting.
Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament, is an example of God's response to anyone who would harm his children. Edom was a mountainous nation, occupying the region southeast of the Dead Sea including Petra, the spectacular city discovered by archaeologists a few decades ago. As descendants of Esau the Edomites were blood relatives of Israel, and like their father, they were rugged, fierce, and proud warriors with a seemingly invincible mountain home. Of all people, they should have rushed to the aid of their northern brothers. Instead, they gloated over Israel's problems, captured and delivered fugitives to the enemy, and even looted Israel's countryside.
Obadiah gave God's message to the Edomites. Because of their indifference to and defiance of God, their cowardice and pride, and their treachery toward their relatives in Judah, they stood condemned and would be destroyed.
Today God's holy nation is his church - all who have trusted Christ for their salvation and have given their lives to him. These people are God's born again and adopted children. As you read Obadiah catch a glimpse of what it means to be God's child, under his love and protection. See how the heavenly Father responds to all who would attack those whom he loves. Think about our nation and its state of affairs. Take time to pray. The link to Obadiah is pasted below. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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