Let the Holy Spirit lead
Ready to fight evil;
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
A great day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Do you feel like you are in the Army of God? Or do you feel like you just go on Sunday morning, hear the preacher, and then you are good for the week?
Today I am just urging you, from my position, no scripture, to go forth, with the armour of God, and fight evil.
Christianity IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! Christianity is alive, well, and you, as a Christian need to quit whining about things, quit attending 1 service a week, and go out and LIVE YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE as JESUS WOULD LIVE.
Today, this weekend, begin a new crusade. Tell someone about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Tell someone how to be a Christian (do you know?). Start walking the walk. Jesus talked the talk and walked the walk. He laid His life down for you. What have you done for Him?
You may be the only Bible someone reads today, tomorrow, in their life; are you a great Christian story? Take up your arms, today, let's go and defeat evil. The first weapon to start with is prayer, just pray the Holy Spirit leads you and then enjoy the opportunities that will open up. You will be amazed. Let's all begin with a prayer. Lord, please forgive us our shortcomings, our sins, known and unknown, and let us be a guiding light unto others that they may see you are the truth, the way, and the light we must follow. Let our words be Christ like and let our hatred be against evil not against the sinner. Let us love and be loved. We just praise your name for leading us. Amen. Thanks for reading today.
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In Christ's Love and Grace
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