
Thursday, July 07, 2011

Matthew 25:46 Eternity- where will you be?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Well?????? Have you fought evil? Did you stand up for God yesterday? Did you mention God or Jesus to anyone? Did you invite someone to your church?

It is not difficult. If you don't say something, the world, i.e. evil will grab them quickly. When I sold mobile homes our GM always said if you don't sell them, there is someone down the street who will. Ask for the order!

If you don't invite them into the body of believers; then the world of evil will invite them in. What is the world of evil? Look around in awareness. You will find evil everywhere; don't fellowship with other believers because......... Why? Part of our duty is obedience. Just like tithing; does God need it? NO! But, it is an act of obedience.

Would you consider telling someone to "go to hell" when you leave them? If you don't share the word of salvation with them---then you just did. Think about that!!

Matthew 25:46 "And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life."

Eternal punishment takes place in hell, the lake of fire, or Gehenna, the place of punishment after death for all those who refuse to repent.

In Hebrew 3 words were used in connection with eternal punishment.
(1) Sheol, or "the grave," was used in the Hebrew Old Testament to mean the place of the dead, generally thought to be under the earth.
(2) Hades is the Greek word for the underworld, the realm of the dead. It is the word used in the New Testament for Sheol.
(3) Gehenna, or hell, was named after the valley of Ben-Hinnom near Jerusalem, where children were sacrificed by fire to the pagan gods. This is the place of eternal fire prepared for the devil, his angels, and all those who do not believe in God.
When Jesus warns against unbelief, he is trying to save us from agonizing, eternal punishment. Who will you warn today? Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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