
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

If only you would listen - Psalm 95:7

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Listening! Yes, listening. My wife tells me we have a communication problem - I don't listen. You know what, she is absolutely correct. My mind is whirling, thoughts permeating my mind and what she says goes into this whirlwind and sometimes is absorbed and sometimes is not.

I had a good lesson in listening today. I wake up at five, think I don't want to work out today. I am not interested in breakfast at the hotel and think, I can just sleep longer. Well, guilt to get up and work out and be with God wore on me....sooo.... I did get up.

Breakfast starts at 5:30 and I meet an angel down there. No, not with wings, but out of the blue this man shares this is his 53rd wedding anniversary. The reason is it was based on God and they are Lutherans. He shared with me and I felt blessed.

Then I went to the track to work out. The high school track field is locked up but there was a man just starting to walk. I asked about the track, he said it was locked and I could walk with him on his 2 mile trek. Well, okay then. So we walked, talked, and shared about health know it.....God. What a blessing.

My goal now is to be still and listen more. For the ones of you that know me, I do like to talk. I have been accused of talking to just hear myself - I disagree but that may be correct.

Psalm 95:7 We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. If only you would listen to his voice today!"

May God bless you as you listen and follow. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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