
Friday, April 06, 2012

Jesus' Crucifixion Matthew 27

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

If you would like to read the account of Jesus and the crucifixion copy and paste this address:

What is Good Friday? Years ago, as a young lad living on the plains of Colorado Good Friday was a day when almost all stores closed at noon, churches had a noon church service, and Catholics still ate fish on Fridays.

Schools were turned out, no alcohol was sold, and people carried on the religious tradition of Good Friday (believers and non-believers alike). We didn't have the ACLU telling us we could not do this; it was just expected. At that time, in my small town of 1000 people we had a Methodist Church, an EUB (Evangical United Brethren) Church {which later united with the Methodist}, an Assembly of God and a Christian Church. If you were Baptist, Pres, Episcopal, Catholic or any other demonination you had to go out of town.

Good Friday was taken more seriously and was not as commercialized. Were we closer to God? I don't know if we were closer or just really good at traditions and being ritualistic. However, there was more respect for the church, the men of the cloth, and for people in general.

Growing up what did Good Friday mean to me? It would mean I only had 1/2 a day of school. We did have to go to church, but then it was free play. Yea! Today it means much more to me. My savior, the reason for my eternal life and all sins forgiven was crucified this day. Not a black day, but a glorious day as He gave it all for me and for you.

Take time to read Matthew 27 for a full account. Love you all. Thanks for letting me reflect back.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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