
Friday, February 01, 2013

Wicked rulers vs hard workers Proverbs 28:15,16,19

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

  Today, two scriptures popped out at me that I would like to share.
     Proverbs 28:15-16 "A wicked ruler is as dangerous to the poor as a roaring lion or an attacking bear. A ruler with no understanding will oppress his people, but one who hates corruption will have a long life."
    Proverbs 28: 19 "A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty."
    Let's begin with 15/16.  Wicked ruler dangerous to the poor - look around at your politicians, people in power positions, watch what they do.  Tom Delay passed a laws years ago where teachers who retire from TRS (Teachers Retirement System) will be penalized when drawing social security by 60% (if eligible); OR, a woman who retires from TRS cannot draw her husbands social security upon his death.  Here is a man dangerous to the poor, WITH no understanding and oppressing his people.
    Is the law fair? No! Does he care? No!  Will the law be repealed? No!  Why?  Most younger teachers do not know about it now since this happened many years ago. Plus, no organization, even teachers organizations are really concerned.
    We elect people because ..................., then we complain about what they do.  We need to look at how that person walks!  No, no bowlegged, lumbering, with a limp, --- I mean in his daily walk!  Is it with God, or with himself, serving selfish needs.
    Ever try network marketing?  Verse 19 - work hard or chase fantasies.  We always see, in network marketing, the diamonds, the emeralds, etc., and it only takes a few hours a week.  Those people did not get there by working only a few hours a week -- they put in time.  How would the world change if we put in just a few hours each week studying our Bible, sharing the Good News, and walking with Christ.  For many an hour a week would be 60 minutes more than they do now.
    It is the weekend my friend, go, enjoy, walk with Jesus, share the word and revel in your salvation - but - share it with others. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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