Get right with God or get gone! Jonah 4:9-11
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
Well, Jonah has had quite a week. Let us recap briefly: God told him to go to Nineveh, he went the other way, got on a ship, big storm, thrown overboard, fish ate him, vomited on dry land, 3 day walk to Nineveh, preached, Nineveh repented, Jonah is mad (he wanted Nineveh to be destroyed), pouts and sits on a hill to watch the city, a gourd (shade) grows, worm eats gourd, sun and wind dry him out. Yep! This has been quite a week, and why? All because he choose not to obey God in the beginning. Stupid you say?!?! Don't we do the same, just not to this extent?
Well, the worm ate the gourd, it dried up and "God prepared a vehement east wind" to come. This heat and wind were exhausting, Jonah fainted and wished to die. God did this to intensify the physical distress of Jonah, the prophet. There sits Jonah in self-pity - woe is me - cry baby attitude. God then tells Jonah why should he be angry because the gourd grew, gave shade and died and Jonah did nothing to grow the gourd; yet Jonah cared not for the "sixscore thousand persons (120,000) that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand." (v10-11)
The people of Nineveh benefited from Jonah's words, repented, and turned to God; God repented of the evil he was going to sent (repent here means God turned away or changed his mind) upon Nineveh and allowed them to prosper in their worship of Him. 120,000 people lived as well as all their livestock simply because they repented, turned back to Jehovah!!
God does care for the animals, plants, all living things and we will all benefit if we are in a right relationship with God. Nineveh was not, through Jonah they were given another chance, they repented (left their pagan ways) and were given another chance.
Jonah, being human got all mad and angry and went off and pouted. Sound like someone you see in a mirror daily? Then, he had to get right with God again. God will take care of us, He loves us, we just have to let go and let God. Love you all. Hope you enjoyed Jonah as took away as much as I did.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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