In HELL, the belly of a great fish - Jonah 2
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
Okay, ladies you will appreciate this, men you probably won't but here goes. Jonah was stubborn, hardheaded and determined to do his own thing and not consult God. Did he get a surprise? You bet!! lol
Let us recap -- Jonah was told to go to Nineveh, he did not want to go to this wicked place and preach repent, he jumped on a ship going the opposite direction, a storm came (God created), cast lots, threw him over board. Many you take about a rough couple of days. What else could go wrong?
Well, Jonah gets cast into the water and low and behold a "great fish" comes and swallows him whole. Okay, one moment he is a cork bobbing in the water, the next minute he is fish food in the stomach of a great fish. Jonah cries of his affliction to God. Jonah says the LORD heard his cry from the belly of HELL. Did Jonah know he has messed up? You bet he did. He tried to escape the presence of the Lord, the Temple, but God was right there with him. Read chapter 2 and see what Jonah says about the situation he was in.
Jonah repented, cried out unto the Lord, the Lord heard him, heard his cries and praise of being brought up out of corruption and unto salvation, which is of the LORD.
Notice, this is important: Jonah was made aware of his iniquities; asked forgiveness, repented, and praised God for his salvation. Is this not a story and requirement for us all? Upon doing this what played out next?
God heard him! God always hears! God spoke to the fish. God is the greatest Dr. Doolittle, and the fish vomited Jonah where? ON DRY LAND! After all this, Jonah is on dry land and God spoke to him again saying, "Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee."
Basically, Jonah, get your sorry tail up and go do what I told you in the first place. Quit trying to run away. With God it is like the movie, "I know who you are, I saw what you did."
Are you doing what God is telling you, or do you need to go to the depths of hell in a great fishes belly? Where are you today my friend? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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