What battles are you facing? As Bob the builder would say: "Can Jesus Help" YES HE CAN!!!!
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
On Netflix there are movies to watch if you will just browse faith and spiritual. I could not sleep last night and watched 2 movies. The first, Encounter, and the story really touched me as how we, humans, react to anything that may be "Jesus freak" or "God involved" and tend to want to run from it or simply just reject the call.
The story is about 5 people traveling in a storm and had to detour to a small diner until the storm let up and they could pass. This diner has 1 man in there, Jesus, who visited with all 5, told them of their past, and encouraged them to follow Him, Jesus.
1 young girl had been hitchhiking, was picked up, and was a troubled youth. 1 lady was driving 400 miles to visit with her boyfriend who was going to ask her to marry him and they would be unequally yoked. A couple were having marital problems and she thought it was all him, after all, she was a Sunday School teacher and never missed church on Sundays. He was spiritual, heartbroken, and did not want to lose his wife. And the 5th, a man who had a series of food franchises and was wealthy and considered himself to be a self made man, doing it all himself.
Yep, as you guessed, the young girl finally listened to Jesus, gave her heart to him, and was beginning a new life. Jesus told her it would not be easy, but she could always talk to him.
The young lady listened, heeded His word, and really knew in her heart this was only a marriage of convenience for the man, unequally yoked, and she would not be able to change him. Jesus told her if she did marry him the division line between them would be her spirituality.
The couple, the lady was hostile but did hear what Jesus said. Her heart was hardened until he simply said, as Jesus would, I love you. She realized in her heart she had not accepted Jesus as her savior. At this point she retreated to the bathroom, cried, talked to the other woman, returned and then did accept Jesus.
The man of the couple had told Jesus he did not want to lose his wife, when his wife went to the bathroom Jesus told him to simply ask for restoration. He did, it did come, but after some time at the diner.
The rich man pointed out many facts and faced Jesus, calling him down. The rich man refused to accept Jesus, left the diner, went down the road, over come by fog wrecked and died without Jesus.
Is this not reflective of our lives. We all battle a storm, and when we focus on the bad--it is bad-- yet when we focus on God, on Jesus, the bad does not just leave, but it lessens where we can handle it.
Where are you in your battle today? Do you feel like these people did, life just goes on, nothing will help? Once Jesus comes in -- He is a light unto our feet along the path of darkness, lest we not stumble.
Thank you God for sending Jesus. Thank you Jesus for your blood in which I am made righteous. Praise God. Amen!!!
Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
p.s. the officer who stopped them and made them detour was Officer De-vill (aka devil)
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