
Monday, April 14, 2014

Are you a Nehemiah or a Not-a-mya-problem person?

Good morning fellow Christian!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Who ARE the people in the Bible?  Do you know?  Do you really know?  This has been laid on my heart to look into different people of the Bible, with a quick description and what they did for the glory of God.  I will try to do this as succinct as possible, yet give you a good picture of who each one was and what they did for God.
    First let's begin here.  Do you ever hear people say things like: {What this church needs is.....} {I can't believe our government officials. If I were there I would.....} {Our schools are really not teaching. Someone should do something!}
     Oh how easy it is to be an armchair quarterback; to gripe, complain, analyze, scrutinize, and TALK about all the problems in the world.  But what are you doing, really, to help. Complain????
    We need to have more Nehemiah in us.  He saw a problem, was distressed, and he took action.  Nehemiah knew that God wanted him to motivate the Jews to rebuild Jerusalems' walls, so he left a good and responsible position to follow God and do the job God wanted him to do.
    Do you follow God?  Are you listening to God's calling?  Are you taking steps to do what God wants you to do........or doing what you "think" you should do?
    Interesting facts about Christianity show that Christians do not take seriously the work of God.  They do not study, commune daily with God, nor walk in God's ways.  However, the republicans can tell you what the democrats do wrong; the democrats can tell you what the republicans do wrong.  We can tell you how to solve so many things------yet we are doing anything about the moral decay going on in America. The falling away from God.  Did you know 12% of Christians think Joan of Ark was Noah's wife?  Funny, yet discouraging.  How many Christians think God should be happy with them giving Him 1, maybe 2 hours on Sunday morning.  There, did my duty -- went to church -- happy God?  Hmmm.  May we take on Nehemiah's attitude--no griping--take action.  Love you all. Pray for your family, friends, nations and world.  Make a difference.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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