
Friday, July 25, 2014

FAMINE in our land!! It is serious! Judges 21:25; Ruth 1:1

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
     So, are you fruit-FUL or fruit-LESS?   Did you think about this?  Well, here is something else God opened my eyes and heart to.   A    "FAMINE"!!!!
   What do you mean famine?  There is a famine in the whole world, not just third world countries who are physically starving to death.  I am talking about a SPIRITUAL FAMINE.  This is what God gave me yesterday.
    Look at Judges 21:25 "In those days there was no king of Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes."  Ruth 1:1Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land, ........."
     First, during the time of the judges, the people of Israel experienced trouble because everyone became his own authority and acted on his own opinions of right and wrong.  Wow!  Does this sound like today?  The difference is today we call it "political correctness" and we do what "we think" is right.  When people selfishly satisfy their personal desires at all costs, everyone pays the price.
   Same sex marriage, abortion, legalize drugs, and....and....well just search the news for a couple of days.
We should be obedient and submit all our plans, ideas, thoughts, actions to God; but, do we?  We, Christians, go into battle each and every day against the sinful world; but here is the question - Do you have your armor of God on and in place?
   Next, Ruth - there was a famine in the land!   These people were starving to death, a drought caused the crops to produce little or dry up completely.  The people were hungry.  We have this today, and I am not talking about third world countries.  The people today are starving spiritually.  What?  Why do you say this?
    Look around, how many people are looking for something to make them feel better, move them out of the situation they are in, anything that will make their life more bearable.  Alcohol or drugs is a temporary relief; a pot of gold (quick cash) is a temporary relief; a better car, a nicer home, a better spouse, better children, better boss, better paid, and on and on.  All this is for naught!! 
   America, the world, is starving for Jesus Christ.  The big tendency in America today is to do what "I" think is right, be a good person, and it is okay.  NO!!  To abort this famine we need to feed on the words of the Bible.  We need to be fed spiritually - open your Bible. Read it!  If your Bible has dust on it shame on you----if your Bible has loped corners, torn pages, and writing in it - good - you must be using it!
   The big relief, the great escape is JESUS CHRIST and living for God.  Will life change?  Maybe, but when you, when I, start living for God, for Jesus Christ, and follow the Good News - called obedient- things will begin to change.
   Feast or Famine!  Which fits you?  Feast on the Word of God. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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