They did evil in the eyes of the Lord, and He...........
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
If you will read in the Old Testament, so many wars, defeats, killings, and for what. Man!! Man's pride tells him he needs to be the best, control, rule over many, have many things-material things. As Adrian Rogers said we try to keep up with the "Jones'" when we don't even like them. We want a better house, better car, better clothes, better position in life and we hock all we have to do this. Then the "Jones'" refinance and the 'war effort' begins again.
In the Old Testament power meant controlling others, ruling over many lands, having livestock, gold, silver and ---unfortunately---many worshiped 'gods'; not GOD!
Read in Kings and you will see something like this: "he did evil in the eyes of the LORD" and " "he did not turn away from the sins of ...... which he causes Israel to commit" and another item stuck out to me. "The high places, however, were not removed; the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incenses there."
God did not bless this disobedience. Many times rulers rose and fell in Israel, Judah, and others where they fell away from God, OR, they compromised and have a temple for worship to GOD, PLUS idols, and worship to false gods. Does this ring of America? Do you see us leaving God out of what we do? And why? Because you and I do nothing but complain to each other. Just like mom and dad complaining about the kids but do nothing to correct the destructive actions. We, as Christians, sit around but what action do we take? Hooray for people who stand strong on their beliefs such as Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby. Yet, many Christians support StarBucks who does not support our troops and supports many movements that conflict with the Christian values.
And how do we respond? Oh, well I really like the mocha-yocha-chocka iced coffee. Well!!! Find something else from someplace that supports your Christian values. God does not honor dis-obedience!! Enough for today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
p.s. would love your comments
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