Evil & evildoers are alive and well. Proverbs 17:11
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
Just a side note, I am working in the DFW area today and it is raining cats and dogs outside. The animal control people are going crazy. Wow!!
Okay, seriously, Proverbs 17: KJV 11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him. In NIV 11 Evildoers foster rebellion against God;
the messenger of death will be sent against them.
the messenger of death will be sent against them.
What is evil? According to Webster evil is morally bad or causing harm or injury to someone. Webster goes on to say "evil" is sinful and wicked. So, let us read KJV again. "A morally bad man, sinful, wicked, who is seeking to cause harm or injury to someone" - Hmmm? And then what?
A "cruel" messenger will be sent against him. If you read this in the NIV, it says the messenger of death will be sent against them. So what is cruel. Cruel is an adjective —used to describe people who hurt others and do not feel sorry about it: causing or helping to cause suffering : terrible and unfair.
So, could you say a man who is morally bad, causing harm or injury to someone, who is sinful and wicked will encounter a person who hurts others with no remorse, who is terrible and unfair and enjoys causing suffering? Sounds bad!
Who is evil? People who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. No - I don't believe that! You mean all the good people who do good things for others and humanity will see the evildoer? If that "good" or "really good" person has not accepted Jesus as Saviour, then he/she has set his/her destiny and WILL ENCOUNTER THIS EVIL AND WICKED PERSON.
I don't believe that some will say. I will not argue the point, only refer him/her to the Bible and to study God's work. What does it say? You be the judge, and if you think my study is wrong please entertain me with your counters. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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