Give God the credit He deserves!
Good morning friends! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
Do you consider your relationship with God? Do you seriously consider your relationship? There are a lot of great people in the Bible who have performed various acts and gave God the credit. Sometimes, they performed the act or deed God gave them and failed to give God the credit. What happens then? Well, only God knows unless it is recorded. When the Israelites were complaining about water, God told Moses to strike a rock for water to come forth.
If you will look carefully at this miraculous act, what happened to Moses. Okay, a little back ground here. God took His children out of Egypt and headed to the promised land. They complained of food. He gave manna. Daily, manna from heaven (except on the Sabbath). They complained of no meat. God sent a covey of quail. They ate meat. Then they complained of no water.
Moses and God, both tired of the complaining, had a conference. God told Moses to strike a rock, a rock which was out in the open, not near water, in a stream, or in a lake,-just a rock in the wilderness.
Moses, tired of the whining and griping struck the rock twice as God told him, (Numbers 20) 10 And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?
Water came pouring out, but what was wrong with what Moses did? Notice, he said "must WE fetch you water" and he did not give the glory to God. This was from God and in frustration, Moses said "must we" thereby taking the glory for this act. Sooo?? Well, Moses was not allowed to enter the promised land and did die in the wilderness because he took the glory rather than give it to God.
How oft doth we do such things in our lives? Just a slip here or there when we are witnessing for God could cause one to not accept Jesus Christ as his/her saviour. Always be in prayer my friend, you can talk to God audibly or in your mind, HE HEARS, HE RESPONDS! Take time my friend to fellowship with God, giving Him the glory. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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