
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Corrupt or Incorrupt? How is your belief?

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    Last night I watched a movie,  Night Falls on Manhattan.  Yes, there was some use of words I don’t approve of, yet I endured.  The plot is of a young man you became a police office and had his dad, then while on the force he studied nights, weekends, and whenever to become a lawyer.
    Why did he do this?  Because he believed in the system; that justice for all will prevail.  In his quest, by fluke, his father, now a detective was shot, he was an assistant district attorney, and by fluke caught the cities biggest drug dealer.  The DA chose him,  Sean Casey, to be the prosecuting attorney.  Him, a rookie, an Assistant DA.   This was his big break and he ended up being the DA.
   He wanted truth and justice for all; no matter who you were; where you were from;  nothing mattered except justice.  To make a long story short, he finds corrupt officers, people of position who tainted or twisted the truth, and he found what he really believed in—truth and justice for all—was not a reality. There was corruption everywhere and the decision was how to deal with it.
   Now you are saying how does this relate to us as Christians?   In Scofield study Bible, KJV, II Corinthians 2:17 “For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.”
   Now what does this say to you?  Does this mean you speak the truth of Christ?  It certainly does.  We should not taint the word of God in any way, shape, or form.  If I do, if you do, we shall reap the responsibility for those actions.  Someone says to you, well, I believe in God; we all believe in God but I don’t believe there is just one way to heaven, through one man Jesus Christ!  Do you nod you head, say nothing, and leave the misconception?  I have, and yes I am ashamed I did not stand up for Christ. 
    One must be armed with ammunition, the Bible and its word, when one takes on a non-believer. Let God lead you, but be armed with the B – I- B – L – E - !  Beware of false teachers.  The Life Application Bible says: 17”You see, we are not like the many ‘hucksters’ who preach for personal profit.  We preach the word of God with sincerity and with Christ’s authority, knowing that God is watching us.”
   What does this say?  Yes, some preachers preach without understanding, they preach for personal gain. They are not concerned about the peoples welfare, they are concerned about the mighty dollar.  So do they prosper?  Probably, however, remember Lazarus and the rich man.  He who has much on earth and knows not Christ will have nothing but torment in death.  The man who knows Christ will have everything in death; LIFE ETERNAL. 
   We live in a land much as the man in the movie; corruption of the Word everywhere and we HAVE to deal with it.  We cannot just “let it go” or “hide our head in the sand” and believe it will go away.  The Muslim faith, the Atheist, ISIS, Al-Quada, etc,;  they all are anti-Christ and their goal is to squash any piece of Christianity they can.  Will you be corrupt or incorruptible?  Love you all.
In Christ’s Love and Grace     Johnny


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