
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Perishable or non-perishable? Why do bad things happen to God's people?

Good morning all.!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   Psalm 73 please refer back to this link to read the scripture.  What is going on here?  This goes back to the question many strong Christians have; many so-so Christians, and many new Christians:  Why do bad things happen to the good?  The wicked seem to prosper and continue on with no worries. Why?  Why God, why?
    In Luke, Lazarus, a poor man in the world was rich in the heavenly realm.  The rich man had every thing, sharing not while in the world, yet when it was time for eternity he suffers greatly.
    Psalm 73: God is good to Israel, but I am closing to slipping away, I am at the end of my rope, the edge of my cliff--why?
  I see the proud, the wicked, their live is smooth and, yes, I am envious. Why?
They grow fat and sleek, they appear to have no problems, no trouble in their life, their pride seems to grow large as a balloon being blown up. Why?
   They are prideful, evil, violent, and they scoff at God and threaten others, yet they prosper. Why?
   God, are you real?  Am I wasting my time trying to be pure, to follow you, to be a good servant of you the Master when all I get is heartache, trouble, and woes?  How do I explain the prosperity of these evil men who hate you, yet they prosper.  I don't understand, LORD, help me!
   So, now, I stop, go to my knees and pray. Psalm 73 " 16 Yet it is so hard to explain it—this prosperity of those who hate the Lord. 17 Then one day I went into God’s sanctuary to meditate and thought about the future of these evil men. 18 What a slippery path they are on—suddenly God will send them sliding over the edge of the cliff and down to their destruction: 19 an instant end to all their happiness, an eternity of terror. 20 Their present life is only a dream! They will awaken to the truth as one awakens from a dream of things that never really were!"
   Friend, we need not look around at the world with envy; we just need to continue to be faithful to God.  Our reward may not come on this side of heaven, but it will come and be paradise galore!  God will hold our hand, continue to be with us, and when we start viewing the world with envy, lusting after the rich things of this world we need to stop and remember who our creator is, where we will be going, and the blessings we will receive once there.
  May the last 2 verses of Psalm 73 give you great courage and strength: "
27 But those refusing to worship God will perish, for he destroys those serving other gods.
28 But as for me, I get as close to him as I can! I have chosen him, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful ways he rescues me.
    The choice is yours:  perishable or non-perishable!!  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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