
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

SONG: I've got the love of Jesus---where? Down in my heart!

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
       I am studying in 1 John chapter 4.  This chapter warns us against false prophets and false doctrines.  However, when you reach verse 7-10 this tells us that God sent His Son into the world that we might live through him.
      Verse 9 tells us God showed us how much he loves us by sending his only Son into the world to that we might have eternal life through him. 
      Verse 10 "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."
     Love explains: 1) God created us........because he loves and created people to love
                 2) God cares......because God loves us he will care for sinful people (me & you)
                 3)  Free will.......we can choose God or not, but God wants a loving response from us
                 4)  Christ's death.......this was God's solution to take away our sins, through HIS SON!
                 5)  Eternal life.......for us, (you & me) to believe in Jesus Christ our reward is eternal life.
   Love,  true love, is the antidote for evil.  If you truly love as Jesus did, there is no room for evil.  Yes, we love our families.  We care about our friends and neighbors----but do you really LOVE THEM?
     Love fills the heart----love is from Jesus----love others as yourself!  Do you truly understand this?  Or just do the bobble head shake and go on your way.
    L O V E !!!   Can you love that unclean, smelly person on the corner as well as your family?  It is tough, yes, but with Christ in your heart you can.  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace


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