
Friday, March 13, 2015

Wise men say fools rush in! Proverbs 18:6-7

Good morning friends!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Fool!  Ever hear this word?  Certainly you have; we hear it all the time.  My mother, who was born in 1920, did not approve of the word 'fool' as it was a tremendous insult if someone called you a fool.  It was as if you had cursed them.  The word  fool  was not allowed in the house.  Sounds strange does it not, but from her generation to be called a fool was humiliating and embarrassing.
   In 1940 Johnny Mercer wrote a song: "When Fools Rush In"; which really became popular when Ricky Nelson sang it in 1963, hitting the charts at #12.  Others like Sinatra, Presley, Glenn Miller, Doris Day and many more also sang it.  It was in movies as a theme song.  Is this telling us something?
  Proverbs 18:6  "A fool's lips enter into contention and his mouth called for strokes."
Think about this for a moment.  Fool's lips cause problems is what the first part is saying; AND, the second part says "his mouth called for strokes".  Strokes, that means the fool needs to be beaten.  How many times do we shoot off our mouth and our brain is not loaded?  Your mouth can get you beaten. Hmmmm!
   Proverbs 18:7  "A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul."
The fool will trap himself by what he says, he will destroy relationships, deals, etc. with his foolish mouth.  His lips are the snare of his soul; His lips set his own trap for his own demise.  Wow!  How many times do we see this in our lives; whether it comes from us or someone we come into contact with?  Wow!!!
   The beginning lyrics are: "Wise men say, fools rush in,"......and it continues on.  In fact, the lyrics are such that you could change a couple of words and it would be a song to our LORD.
    Sooo,  are you wise?  OR.........are you the fool rushing in?  Let JESUS be your guide. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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