
Friday, July 28, 2006

God did not condemn the world John 3:17-21

good morning everyone!!! May you have a wonderful Friday in the Lord!! today is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad. Yesterday we talked about salvation. Is it true, once saved always saved? A lot of good comments came back from several people. And, Yes, I do believe once saved always is just our walk with the Lord that varies. John 3:16 covers salvation.....but what about John 3:17 "God did not send his SON into the world to condemn it, but to save it." God sent Jesus to fulfill the law, atone for our sins, so that we may have life everlasting. God does not want you, me, our neighbors, or anyone to perish. So, what is the problem? God allows us all free will, we make the call, our decision. Is this good? It is for all who turn to Jesus and call upon his name for salvation. Well, what about the others? All we have to do is trust and obey, for there is no other way. Hey, that could be a song!!!! Oh, yeah, it already is. lol John 3:18-21 tells us there is no eternal doom for those who do trust and obey. But, for those who have chosen not to trust and obey, they love the ways of the world, they like darkness more than light, then they are condemned themselves. God sent the Light of the World (Jesus) but these preferred the darkness. Why? Because, if we sin in darkness we feel no one knows, we can do what we want!!! The Light will expose their sins!! So, avoid the light at all costs. If you have some darkness in your life, you can take the time to appeal to the Light of the World (Jesus) and ask forgiveness. What a blessing we, as Christians have. We are not perfect, just forgiven. Take time today, right now, just Stop, be reverent, and say a quick prayer, asking God's forgiveness.....then go about your day knowing you are a child of the King, a beacon of Light, an example for the world. Thank you for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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