
Friday, July 21, 2006

I Thess 2:10 Integrity....Character

Hey guys, sorry, running way late. Had phone calls coming in this a.m. and then went to have lunch with my daughters. that is where we ate. haha a little humor, very little. Okay ...... "YOU ARE WITNESSES, AND GOD ALSO, HOW DEVOUTLY AND JUSTLY AND BLAMELESSLY WE BEHAVED OURSELVES AMONG YOU WHO BELIEVE. I Thess 2:10 We generally consider or define a person of integrity as one who has a high ethical standard and who generally chooses to do things in an hones way. This is Integrity involves much more than just having an ethical code or being honest in certain situations. Integrity means choosing to consistently do the right things in every situation and live each day according to the ethics Christ gives us. Character is doing the integrity thing, or right thing, when no one is watching. Do you stand on your principles.....does your integrity show, is your character CATCHING????? Last week, twice, I comprimised my integrity and character. Feel guilty......a BIG YES, YES, YES!!!!! However, God gives us a chance to redeem ourselves. I already told you about the 75 cents I returned. I did get 2 responses about the change from the Coke machine. Now, for the rest of the story......... My granddaughter and I went to get a coke, when the change came out it was too much. Kenzie noticed it, she is a smart kid, but said nothing, I noticed it, but said nothing. The next morning, after breakfast, Kenzie and I went to the front desk. I mentioned the coke machine gave me 20 cents too much and returned the money to them. The lady behind the desk did not know exactly what to do. As we walked off, Kenzie told me that was a nice thing to do since we don't know who it belongs to. Now, I am not patting myself on the back, but I tell my g'kids to be honest and tell the truth. What did I just teach?????? the best example is demonstrated....not taught for head knoweldge. thanks for listening, please pray for me....a few personal problems. thanks. Pray for yourself, family, friends, neighbors, church, pastor(s). God loves our prayers....oral or silent!!!In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny


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