
Monday, August 14, 2006

Contentment Hebrews 13:5

Good morning everyone!! I hope you have a great day in the Lord. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!! You know, we should be content or satisfied where we are. When I woke this morning these were some of my first thoughts. So, here goes....I hope you are blessed by these words and pray that the Holy Spirit will be working in your life. The little squirrel, you know, the one who runs around gathering nuts for his winter storehouse. You can be driving down the road and all of a sudden this squirrel comes running from the side. Now he is determined to get to the other side of the road and get there before you run over him. Now, I know this little guys brain does not process as we do, BUT, WHY does he decide to cross the road just as we get there? Is he a suicidal squirrel? Is he just discontent? What is on the other side that is worth his life? Hebrews 13:5 "STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MONEY; BE SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. FOR GOD HAS SAID, 'I WILL NEVER FAIL YOU, I WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU.'" Be satisfied with what you have. The squirrel wanted just one more nut for the storehouse, and sometimes that 'just 1 more' can lead to our downfall or 'kill us.' So, how can we learn to be satisfied with what we have. We have to strive to live with less rather than desiring more, give away out of our abundance rather than accumulating more; enjoy what you have rather than resent what you are missing. We become satisfied when we realize God's sufficiency for our needs. Christians who become materialistic are saying God can't take care of them-or at least that he won't take care of them the way they want, insecurity can lead to the love of money. So, what is the antidote? The answer? Trust God to meet all our needs! See God's love expressed in what he has provided and remember that money and possessions will all pass away. Just remember 1 John 2:17 "AND THIS WORLD IS FADING AWAY ALONG WITH EVERYTHING THAT PEOPLE CRAVE. BUT ANYONE WHO DOES WHAT PLEASES GOD WILL LIVE FOREVER." May you live forever!!! Thank you for reading, take time now to STOP, DROP & PRAY!! God loves you....I love you.....You are loved!!!!! See you tomorrow. Please pray for the teachers and students as they are returning to school.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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