
Friday, August 04, 2006

Immorality-1 Corinthians 5

Good morning everyone!! Yea!!! What a great day to be alive in Jesus!!! TGIF---Thank God It's Friday-----that is why God made Friday, so we could rejoice. lol ha ha. Anyway, it is a wonderful day, we woke and are able to see and be around family and friends. However, on the other hand, had we not awaken, we would be having a Glorious day in paradise, either way it would be a blessing. Okay, yesterday, the question about the preacher.....would you have one who has been in jail, murdered, etc.? A few I visited with figured it out, but probably we would hire him.....his name is Paul....and we read about him all the time. Sometimes things are not as they seem....huh? Okay, today, moral defection which is in 1 Corinthians I am not going to print the whole chapter, just paraphrase parts. You will need to read it on your own. Now, fornication (Greek porneia) refers to sexual sins, and is going on in the church. Paul condemns the immorality in the church.....a man is sleeping with his father's wife (stepmother) and Paul says even the heathen don't do this. This crime is worse than adultery as it is incest. Paul asks why they don't remove this man from the membership. Paul tells the people to call a meeting of the church, listen to the evidence, and make a judgment. Paul tells them he is there in spirit. paul is saying give the man over to satan, meaning his physical body, that his spirit may be saved. The main thrust here is to send the man out of the church so his sould will return to Jesus and be saved. This sin had to be purged from the congregation because if they allowed this, soon all would be affected. vs 7 "Remove this evil cancer-this wicked person-from among you, so that you can stay pur. Christ, God's Lamb, has been slain for us." vs 8 "So let us feast upon him and grow strong in the Christian life, leaving entirely behind us the cancerous old life with all its hatreds and wickedness. let us feast instead upon the pure bread of honor and sincerity and truth." Paul continues telling the people of Corinth not to mix with evil people; and he is not talking about unbelievers living in sexual sin, who are greedy cheats and thieves and idol worshipers. We have to live in the world with people like this. But, what Paul is saying is this: vs 11 "What I meant was that you are not to keep company with anyone who claims to be a brother Christians but indulges in sexual sins, or is greedy, or is a swindeler, or worships idols, or is a drunkard, or abusive. Don't even eat lunch with such a person." Paul continues in vs 12 saying it is not our job to judge outsiders, but is is our job to judge and deal strongly with those who are members o the church and who are sinning in these ways. God alone is the Judge of those on the outside, but we must deal with this man and put him out of the church. Pretty much what Paul is saying here is that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, get rid of them (him or her). Now, this is in 1 Corinthians it and give me feedback. Is the man condemned to hell his physical or sinful man......there is hope his spirit will be saved by Christ. Don't hold back.....tell me what you are thinking, but back it up with the Bible. This is a very interesting topic and dealt with sternly by Paul. Thank you for you all.....have a great day.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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