
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bones of contention?????

Good morning everyone!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you!! God blesses us daily, whether we deserve it or not!! Are you glad we have a LIVING GOD and a LOVING GOD?? God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!!!
Well, Anna Nicole is not cast before our eyes constantly on t.v., nor across our ear via radio, BUT, what is in the news now??? Oh, the kidnapping in Florida was a story 2 days ago, but just a side note now. So, what is in the news? The news is a "bone of contention." Huh?
There is a claim that the grave of Jesus and 2 Mary's has been found. Well, like the Devinci Code, it states in the front of the book clearly it is fictional. Now, we have people finding the bones of Jesus. What??? Oh, yes, that is the claim. What is faith? Faith, by Webster: Belief; trust, confidence, conviction in regard to religion; system of religious beliefs; strict adherence to duty and promises, word or honor pledged.
Do we have faith? Faith in what? That jesus rose from the dead? Matthew 28:6 "He isn't here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying." Jesus spirit did not go and His bones remainded behind.......JESUS ROSE BODILY FROM THE GRAVE.
Jesus' resurrection is the key to Christian faith. Just as He promised, Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus' bodily resurrection shows us that the living Christ is ruler of God's eternal kingdom, not a false prophet or imposter. Jesus is not just a human teacher, leader, HE is the SON of GOD!!!
So......what do you think? Did Jesus rise bodily? Can His bones be found? It appears that, as man, we tend to want to have the concrete to be able to prove our point. I, personally, believe Jesus, all of Him, has left the earth!! When He rose from the dead, He did so spiritually and bodily. What do you think???
Can you step out in faith???? Or do you need the concrete???? For me, the Bible tells all. We are aware of the tomb where Jesus was laid, and then it was...what???? EMPTY???? OH!!!! thank you for reading. Have a wonderful and blessed day. Pray first for yourself, then for others...... Love you all!!
In Christ's Love and Grace

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