What is your reflection like?

Good morning everyone!! What a great day to be alive in Jesus!! As I mentioned yesterday, I was awakened and then saw the movie about living what we profess. This was for a reason, I shared it for a reason, and now let's look back at James. James 1:23-25 - from my study this morning. This is from angelfire Bible study. Please take time to read.
James 1:23-25 He who merely hears the word, rapidly forgets it; only he who acts according to the word will be blessed in all that he does. The Word of GOD is the perfect law, that of liberty. It doesn't submit us to the bonds of legalism, but frees us to keep its precepts by internal compulsion.
James 1:23-25 The Word of GOD: Purifier of the holy life, THE WORD OF GOD. To aspire to a pure life isn't to seek perfection, but rather freedom from those things that could reduce the fulness of a powerful life. This text shows the Word of GOD as a means of reflection, a mirror in which we should look at and see ourselves as we are. The calling is not only to pay attention to what we see and accept the Bible's teachings and correction, but if offers us an unwritten lesson. We must avoid the temptation to identify (and judge) others in the Word, analyzing what they should have done, instead of what we need to do. In II Cor. 3:18 the Word of GOD is also compared to a mirror, but the image that's projected is none other than the LORD Jesus himself. The sum of both texts: 1) The Bible shows us the image of Christ, so that 2) we can measure our conduct and character in light of His image, and allow GOD to conform us to Christ's likeness (Rom. 8:29). Other promises to reach purity through the Word of GOD are: Jeremiah 20:9, that speaks to us of the "fire" in the Word, which can cleanse the same one it is burning; and Psalm 119:9, which contains a special promise for he who wants a pure life of holy power. GOD's Word is a powerful agent, that cleanses and liberates. (John 14:21/Is. 55:10,11)
In Christ's Love and Grace
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