Do not become weary
Good morning everyone! Okay! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. We are in Revelations and the message is to the church in Ephesus.
Revelations 2:2-3 "I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don't tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. You have patiently suffered for me without quitting."
The church in Ephesus had steadfastly refused to tolerate sin among its members. This was not easy in a city noted for immoral sexual practices associated with the worship of the goddess Artemis.
Today, we live in time of widespread sin and sexual immorality. It is popular to be "open minded" toward many types of sin, calling them personal choices or alternative life styles. But, when the body of believers begin to tolerate sin in the church, it is lowering the standards and compromising the church's witness. God's approval is far more important than the world's.
v.2 who say they are apostles - The Ephesian church exercised spiritual discernment. It knew how to evaluate them who claimed spiritual leadership, judging them by their doctrine and behavior.
v3 KJV "......and have not become weary." For over forty years, since its founding, this church had remained faithful to the Word and the Lord. Through difficulty and persecution, the members had endured, always driven by the right motive, Christ's name and reputation.
The church at Ephesus: 1) worked hard; 2) patiently endured; 3) did not tolerate evil people; 4) critically examined the claims of false apostles; and 5) suffered without quitting. Every church should have these characteristics. These good efforts should come forth from our love for Jesus Christ.
Prolonged conflict can weaken or destroy our patience and affection. In defending the faith, guard against any structure or rigidity that weakens love. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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