
Monday, March 29, 2010

Esther - would you put your life in peril?

Good morning everyone!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. What is there to look forward to? EVERYTHING!!!

Take time to read Esther; it is only 10 chapters on 9 pages in my Bible. What about Esther? Esther was Jewish, beautiful, and married to the king. So, the world was just a footstool beneath her feet! Not exactly. She had a cousin, Mordecai the Jew, who was getting under a man's skin. This man was Haman, of the kings court. Now, here is where they mystery and fun sets in.

1. Haman did not know that Esther was a Jew and a cousin of Mordecai.
2. Haman was plotting against Mordecai and had a sharp pole to impale him on.
3. Haman was plotting against the Jews, to have them killed.
4. Haman maneuvered the king, Xerxes, to be rid of a certain sect of people, Jews.

Enter the "knight on the white horse - GOD!"

1. Mordecai trusted God.
2. Mordecai overheard a plot to kill the king.
3. Mordecai was honored (which humiliated Haman).
4. Esther won favor with, and had an audience with the king, her husband.
5. The plot of Haman was revealed, he was impaled on the pole he had for Mordecai.
6. The king made a decree in favor of the Jews.

All of this happened because of the loyalty to God. God was in control during this process, is in control today in your life, and will be in control in the future. Esther could have lost her life, but stepped forth, faith in God, and was spared.

Would you do the same if the situation arose? Give you life, trusting in God, knowing this is the only true salvation? Tough question, only 1 answer! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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