
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who is to blame? Micah 1:5

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Micah served as a prophet to Judah and during his time pagan idols were set up in the temple and the temple doors were nailed shut. Hezekiah became king and probably heeded much of Micah's advice in beginning a slow road to recovery and economic strength.

Is America doing this today? Are we allowing pagan idols the opportunity to take the place of Jesus? Our temple doors are not shut, but the ACLU is working hard to close our doors. How will we come out of our pagan ways and begin economic recovery?

In Micah 1-4 the LORD tramples the heights of the earth, mountains melt beneath his feet and flow into the valleys like wax in a fire. Why is this happening? Let's replace Israel with America.

Micah 1:5 "And why is this happening? Because of the rebellion of America (Israel)- yes, the sins of the whole nation. Who is to blame for America's (Israel's) rebellion? Washington D.C. (Samaria) its capital!"

This is not a slam against only Obama, but all the administrations prior, Bush, Clinton, Bush, etc., and our congressman. This is from God's word. Think about it.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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