
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Titus 1:8 A gathering? At my house?!?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Yesterday we visited about some of the requirements for an elder, blameless, good reputation, faithful to his wife, not arrogant or quick tempered, not a heavy drinker, not violent or dishonest with money. My question to you was would you be a good elder?

Titus 1:8 "Rather, he must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must love what is good. He must live wisely and be just. He must live a devout and disciplined life."

Okay, in the early days Christian leaders, traveling evangelists and teachers were helped by Christians who housed and fed them. and me...would benefit from inviting people to eat with us - visitors, fellow church members, young people, those in need.

Giving hospitality is very important today because so many people struggle with loneliness. We live in a self-centered society - it is all about ME! WELL, IT IS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS! We can show we have Jesus' caring and loving way is by being hospitable.

We are not to entertain false teachers (2John 1:10) but this does not apply to non-Christians. God wants us to be generous, courteous, and hospitable with non-Christians; through our friendship some may come to know Jesus.

Once again, could you be an elder? One who invites people into your home to feed, visit, and share the gospel with? Oh, I don't really enjoy.....that is not what I do...etc. Bah.....the gospel tells you, will you obey?

In Christ's Love and Grace



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