
Monday, August 16, 2010


Good morning everyone! Another great day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Let's start a new study in Titus. Titus was written by Paul to Titus, a Greek who was probably converted to Christ through Paul's ministry. Titus was Paul's special representative at Crete.

Sometimes there is a vacuum when a strong leader leaves and then a movement, organization or institution loses focus and begins to flounder. People flocked to hear Paul's teaching. Paul was educated, articulate, motivated, and filled with the Holy Spirit. He proclaimed the Good News throughout the Roman Empire and lives were changed and churches were begun.

Titus was Paul's special ambassador to Crete whom Paul carefully trained and raised to be a mature Christian and responsible leader. Chapter 1 deals with the leadership in the church. Paul wants people to understand it is Jesus, all about Jesus, not about the man who is standing here on earth delivering the message. How many times do churches split or cease to exist because our trust is in man?

We will start tomorrow with verse 1, however, think about your church. Do you go because you really like the preacher? Or do you go to worship God? If you go for the man you are in for a fall; if you go for God you will have a fruitful experience. Love you all. Evaluate your church and why you go. Is it a God-thing?

In Christ's Love and Grace



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