
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prayer! Why? What good is it? 2 Chronicles 6:19-42

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

What do you pray for? Do you pray specifically for something or in general? What type of prayer reaches God? Does it need to be in a certain format? Why should we pray? What good does pray do?

Solomon, the wisest of man, did pray in 2 Chronicles 6:19-42 that God would hear their prayers concerning a variety of situations. Solomon was in the Temple, yes a building, but please remember, when Christ came the need for the temple to worship, sacrifice, etc. was filled in Him (Christ). When I read this I related the temple to be within.

2 Chronicles 6:19-21 "Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and my plea, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you. May you watch over this Temple day and night, this place where you have said you would put your name. May you always hear the prayers I make toward this place. May you hear the humble and earnest requests from me and your people Israel when we pray toward this place. Yes, hear us from heaven where you live, and when you hear forgive."

Me, You, we are the temple of God. Do you ask Him to watch over you and others day and night? Do you ask Him to listen? Are your request humble and earnest or just idle rhetoric? Solomon goes on to ask prayer for crime (22,23), enemy attacks (24,25), drought (26,27), famine (28-31), the influx of foreigners (32,33), war (34,35), and sin (36-39).

God is concerned with whatever we face, even the difficult consequences we bring upon ourselves. He wants us to turn to Him in prayer. When you pray, remember that God hears you. Don't let the extremity of your situation cause you to doubt his care for you.

Psalm 4:3 "You can be sure of this: The LORD set apart the godly for himself. The LORD will answer when I call to Him."

We will often face difficult situation that could only be resolved by prayer. Prayer is the key that unlocks faith in our life. Effective prayer needs both the attitude of complete dependence and the action of asking. Prayer demonstrates our reliance on God as we humbly invite Him to fill us with faith and power. The disciples asked Jesus why they could not cast out the evil spirit. Jesus replies with:
Mark 9:29 "This kind can be cast out only by prayer."
Thanks for reading. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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