
Monday, June 24, 2013

Fire and brimestone - Sodom & Gomorrah Genesis 19:24-29

Good morning friends! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
   How are things going in your little world?  Well, Christ first I do hope!    Currently I am reading 3 books which are extremely interesting. And, Yes, they are all Christian books - actually 4....can't forget my Bible.
   I had been talking about Abraham and Lot. Lot moved his family to Sodom and then God sent 2 angels to tell him to leave - which he did.  However, after telling his sons, daughters, and son-in-laws they did not believe him and mocked him.
   Well, Lot, his wife, and 2 daughters left Sodom as the angels had instructed because God was going to destroy the cities on the plains - 5 of them.  Lot asked that Zoar not be destroyed and God granted this and there is a city - Zoar to this day.
     Genesis 19:24-29  speaks to the fact that the LORD rained brimstone and fire down on Sodom and Gomorrah.  Now, in all, the LORD destroyed 4 cities, but why do we know so much more about these two?  In Genesis 14 the Vale of Siddim was spoken of; the word "Siddim" seems to mean cultivated fields indicating a good agricultural system was in place.  Because of this, the people worked the fields and prospered; then would return to the cities, which were cooler, and had more leisure time than many others.  Lot was likely impressed by the prosperity of the area, however, this prosperity helped provide all the material needs, allowing more leisure time, and the people developed a relaxed moral atmosphere.  This soon turned into such corruption that God could no longer endure.
    Now, fire and brimstone.  The anti-God people will tell you these cities were along a fault line, an earthquake happened, which activated a volcano that erupted and covered and destroyed the cities.  And I will not be the one to tell you this is false, but I will tell you I know WHO IS IN CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSE ---- GOD!!  Fire and brimestone - the next day Abraham saw smoke in this country - smoke as from a furnace.  Verse 25 tells us God "overthrew" those cities.  I have no doubt God created this, and why so much about Sodom and Gomorrah?  These cities were filled with evil, moral corruption, sexual perversion, and they seemed to long for more outrageous and outlandish activities.  Too much leisure time, moral laxness - does this sound like the world, and specifically America today?  Stay strong my friend. Christ is coming for you.  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace


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