Nahum + Vision + Nineveh = ??? What do you think?!?
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
Okay, Friday I said we would begin in Nahum, a minor prophet with a vision. Have you ever had one of these, a vision, and you failed to act on it? What were the consequences??
The book of Nahum begins with: "The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite."
As you read this in the back of your mind please think of the parallel between Nineveh and the United States of America. Nineveh, 150 years earlier had repented of her evil ways when Jonah was there. Now, in this time (book of Nahum) she has fallen away from Jehovah. And as Adrian Rogers says, to reject Jehovah is to accept the devil. This is what Nineveh was doing.
Nineveh was the greatest of the cities at this time. Great military might and they had ravaged Judah recently at this time. Nineveh was the power of the world and struck terror in the hearts of people all over the ancient world. At this time its latest conquest was Israel and they plundered Judah, taking control of Jerusalem. By God's hand the siege of Jerusalem was lifted and the city was delivered.
Nahum is crying out for all to listen that the one thing that is greater than Nineveh is the God of Judah, Jehovah. Nahum is not crying out for repentance the same as Jonah for the city of Nineveh. He begins by describing God in four ways.
Just stop and think about this for a moment, Nineveh----America! Have we, in America, turned away from God? You may say no! Not me!! I am not talking about you, me, I am talking about the mindset, the liberal thinking, the unGodly thinking of the land we are so proud of----AMERICA! Pornography, same sex marriage, living in sin, drunkenness, drugs, going about paying no attention to the consequences. Each action we take has a consequence! But if noone sees me or I don't get in trouble. Character is doing what is right, even if no one is around to witness. Okay, tomorrow we will start looking at the four ways Nahum describes Jehovah, God, the Almighty One.
Okay, have you ever had a vision? What about your dreams that may have been telling you something? Are prophets dead? Was this only for the ancient world? We have the Bible, so are prophesies and prophets no longer relevant? Thoughts to ponder. Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace
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