
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nehemiah was a strong man, convicted to God's work. Ne 1:1-7:73

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Nehemiah!  No, he is not a bullfrog. He is a friend of the Jews. A man of action; someone who saw something needed to be done, listened to God's calling, and took action---HE DID IT!
   If you will read Nehemiah Chapter 1 through Chapter 7, verse 73 you will find Nehemiah had a burden which was to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem..  Nehemiah asked King Artaxerxes for permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild its fallen walls and was given approval.
   Nehemiah traveled to Jerusalem with royal letters and organized the people into groups and assigned them to specific sections of the wall as noted in chapter 3.  He did experience opposition and endured insults, ridicule, threats, and sabotage trying to stop the work.  Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the Ashdodites were all mad because Nehemiah was rebuilding.  Even to the point that Tobiah went a mile and a half away and built his own temple.  These people worked hard to sabotage Nehemiah and his work.
   How did Nehemiah counter this opposition?  By prayer, encouragement, guard duty and consolidation. (Chapter 4) As this opposition was countered another problem cropped up.  And it was internal in the fact that the rich Jews were profiteering off the plight of their working countrymen.  When Nehemiah hear of this he confronted the extortioners face to face (Chapter 5).  Now Nehemiah was not a Melvin Milktoast, but a strong "Samson" of a man and did not back down.
  Nehemiah rebuilt the walls in 52 days, but not until after another effort by Sanballat, Tobiah, and others to try one more time to halt the process.  Nothing thwarted the project and it was clear to all that God was involved in the rebuilding process.
    The wall is complete, but Nehemiah is not through.  (Chapter 7) After building the walls, Nehemiah continued to organize to people, taking a registration and appointing gatekeepers, Levites, and other officials.   
   Nehemiah is an example of leadership and organization.  He gave up a comfortable and wealthy position to return to his homeland, rally the people and rebuild Jerusalem's wall.  In the face of opposition he prayed, persevered, sacrificed, and did this all for God's kingdom.  How may you step out to further God's kingdom?  Maybe just a kind word to a co-worker, maybe a co-worker you don't get along with.  Thanking God at lunch or dinner--openly--in public even!  Go be a Nehemiah!! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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