Betrayed! What would you do? Judges 14:18-19
Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
Remember we stopped Friday where the 30 young men threatened Samsons wife to be if she did not get the answer to the riddle. Yes, she nagged at Samson until............well here is some more of the story.
Samsons wife (as said in the Bible) cried telling him he must not love her because he did not tell her the answer to the riddle. So, Samson relented, gave in, and shared the answer with his wife.
The young men came to Samson before sunset the seventh day and gave the answer: Judges 14:18 What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?
This angered Samson and his reply: 18 If ye had not plowed with my heifer, ye had not found out my riddle.
Huh? Did they plow the field? NO, this means they manipulated his wife to find the answer. Now, Samson was PO-ed. Really in a big way. M A D !! Now the next verse is interesting. On the surface you would think why did God do this? God did not.....I will explain in a moment.....19 And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went down to Ashkelon, and slew thirty men of them, and took their spoil, and gave change of garments unto them which expounded the riddle. And his anger was kindled, and he went up to his father's house.
The spirit of the LORD came upon him --- this is not God doing this, but Samson using God's gift in a selfish manner. Samson was to use his gift from God to help build up the body of the church, instead, he used it selfishly because he had been deceived and was angry. He went and killed 30 men, gave their garments to the 30 young men.
At this point he left and went to his father's house. Nope, he did not finish the marriage at this time. Stay tuned. Remember, God gives us gifts that we are to use to build up the body of Christ. If we use these abilities selfishly we rob the church and our fellow believers of strength. Use your gift to help others, plant the seed or continue to nourish others in God's word. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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