
Monday, July 07, 2014

Is God really in control?

Hello all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!! 
   Wow!  Have you read something in the Bible, then sat back and said, whoa, I have read that before but it did not hit me what it is really saying until now.  Well, if you study the Bible I know you have!!
  God IS IN CONTROL and DOES TAKE CARE OF US.  In Acts 23:12-35 (click on passage to read the full scripture), Paul has been thrown in prison and why?  Simply because he preached Jesus, the Messiah.  The Sanhedrin accused him of violating the law.  He was thrown in prison and then 40 men plotted, conspired with the Sanhedrin, Sadducees and Pharisees, to kill Paul when he was brought to trial.
   Paul's nephew heard of the conspiracy he rushed to prison to tell Paul. The message was relayed to the commander who sent Paul by night with guards to Governor Felix  telling of the plot and that Paul was a Roman citizen.
    Paul was spared, his life saved and many could say this is a coincidence.  If you believe in coincidences and luck then your belief in God is weak at best. God sees all, knows all, and will do what He needs to in order to bring honor, glory and praise to Him.
   God wants all this?  For Himself?  How arrogant, how conceited!!  Look at this verse: Exodus 34:14  King James Version     "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:......."
  Yes he does, but still, He takes care of us, His Children. God says NO OTHER GOD BEFORE HIM!   If you look, God's hand is in each move here.  The nephew heard, told Paul, Paul told prison guard, prison guard took nephew to tell commander, who sent armed men to take Paul to Governor Felix.  Try this today and see who will really listen.  God's handprint is all over this, Paul, nephew and the Romans.
   Unfortunately, people, the world hates Christians.  Psalm 80:6 "You have made us a source of contention to our neighbors, and our enemies mock us."  This was true in ancient days and is true today.  All we do should be for the glory of God. From a man who does various types of blue collar work to the upper white collar workers who won't get their hands dirty--it should all be done as if doing the work for God.
  Yes, I have rambled and chased rabbits today, but this message is for me and a few of you out there.  The ones who need it will understand.  Love you all.
  In Christ's Love and Grace



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