
Thursday, July 03, 2014

Oppressed? Constantly - "I'm mad at HELL (evil) and.........

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   Yesterday we read and studied about Haman, his plot to kill Mordecai and all the Jews, and it was foiled.  If you have time, please read Esther (I assume you already did).  Here is a link and you can read it at your leisure - Esther - the story of an oppressed people overcoming the oppressor.  This is in NIV and KJV paralleled side by side for easy understanding.
   To culminate Esther - we clearly see God at work in the lives of individuals and in the affairs of a nation.  Even when it looks as if the world is in the hands of evil people, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!  God protects those who are his.  Although we may not understand everything happening around us, we must trust in God's protection and retain our integrity by doing what we know is right.
   Esther, who risked her life by appearing before the king, became a heroine.  Mordecai, who was effectively condemned to death, rose to become the second highest ranking official in the nation.  No matter how hopeless our condition, or how much we would like to give up, we need not despair.  
   Now a current day, political and world view from me.  It matters not if you like or dislike Obama, the fact is the morality of our nation have been deteriorating for decades.  Most presidents serve 8 years of a decade and you can look back through the presidencies and see the slow unraveling of societal morality, bit by bit.  Example:  In 1965, as a junior in high school I was driving my father's car with a great AM radio in it (rural areas did not have FM then).  A song came on and sang the lyrics, "well, I don't give a damn about a green back dollar."  I was shocked to hear this on the radio.  Then, the very next day I heard it again and the lyrics were, "well, I don't give a  ------(silent)---- about a green back dollar."  The censors had got to it that fast.  No cursing or bad language on the radio.  My, how we have changed and fallen away from strict censorship.
    Now, go to a PG-13 and see the type of language you hear.  On prime time tv this week, in a police series, a man makes openly some sexual remarks that I would not want any child to hear.  But this is okay, because we are an open and accepting society.  Huh?  I must change my strong Christian beliefs because the "world" says it is okay?  What do you think!!
   When fictional television anchor Howard Beale leaned out of the window, chanting, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" in the 1976 movie 'Network,' he struck a chord with workers everywhere.    Can we, today, as Christisans say- "I'm mad AT hell (evil), and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
     Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross!!!!!  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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