
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Grafted - nourished by faith Romans 11:11-32

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
    Who are you?  Exactly WHO ARE YOU?  Do you consider yourself white, Caucasian, black, African American, Mexican, Latino, Hispanic, Asian, etc.  Who are you?  You (most of us) are Gentiles from the ancient world.  Do you know what that means?  It means, in today's language you are an infidel!   What is an infidel?  Webster says: 1-one who does not believe in a particular religion, or 2-one who has no religion.
    So in ancient times you would be an infidel - why?  Because you believed in Baal, Ashrah Poles, Mythical Gods, etc.  But guess what happened?
     G R A F T!!!  Huh, graft, what do you mean?  Well, graft has several meaning:  1-the dishonest use of one's position to gain money, i.e. as in politics, anything so gained; 2-the transplanting of bone, skin, etc.; or, 3-(most important) A SHOOT OR BUD OF ONE PLANT OR TREE INSERTED INTO ANOTHER, WHERE IT GROW PERMANENTLY!! 
   Okay, Johnny, where are you going?  Is it too early and you can't think?  Well, look at Romans 11:11-32 (to read the whole section click the link).  So, what is happening?  Yes, I want the short version.
   Okay, in short, Paul is writing from Corinth to the people in Rome.  What he is telling them is this.  They are God's chosen people, the Jews, yet through all they and God have gone through they (Jews) continually turn their back on God.  Again, and again, and again. So Paul is telling that because of this, Jesus came and now you and I, gentiles, infidels, are now GRAFTED into the body of Christ.
   Some of the branches, Jews, have been broken off, and other wild branches, Gentiles, have been grafted onto the tree, to live and be nourished through the sap of the tree.  How they will grow, and the broken off branches will wither.  Paul tells us they do not support the root; the root supports the branch. Hmm!
    Paul talks about arrogance of the Jews, thinking they are the better people, but how they will be broken off and cast away because of their faith.  The gentiles will be grafted because of their faith and they will flourish.   A good text, please click and read.  May it touch your heart the way it touched mine.  Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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