Are you HATED? Do you SHOVEL SMOKE??!! Hmmmm
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
OH, man! Just look around and see what is going on. Evil abounds around each corner, in every nook and cranny; all over the earth. We are killing children, sacrificing them--huh? Abortion! There are nations against nations, earthquakes, pestilences, false prophets, and Jesus says this is just the beginning of sorrows. Read Matthew 24 for the full story.
So much is happening in this world that it does make me sorrowful, yet I can delight in it as well. But what can I (you) do? I will answer that in a minute. The evil that abounds - just look around and BEWARE!! It will remain. TV has a new show Annabelle - a horror movie and when advertised last night my wife and I both got cold chills and could feel the evil.
Yes, children are being sacrificed in the name of abortion for the selfishness of an individual or individuals. (Abortion is not a form of birth control). There are fires, flooding, earthquakes, diseases, and then the war on terror. People don't believe in God (Atheist who protested the Rowlett city council), someone "out of state" who files suit against a school district for having Christian plaques displayed on their campus.
Matthew 24:9 "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake" told the apostles by Jesus. Wow, is this a touch of reality?
Now, you can read about the end times and worry, worry, worry. However, as I once said, and my wife reminds me often - worry is like shoveling smoke (stirs it around but does no good). So, to answer my question above ' but what can I do'? Very simple: (1) Pray (daily, continually); (2) plant the seed of salvation in each breath you take with those around you; (3) Walk with God (each moment, letting others see Jesus in you); (4) Give GOD the praise and glory, seeking none of yourself; and (5) continually seek the Kingdom of God.
Pretty simple. Will we do it? I would say this depends on how closely you are walking with God. So, how close are you? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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