What the HELL - oh, for HEAVENS sakes!!!!!
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
Okay, today, just some things banging on me, and I pray Spirit led. Look at the news headlines - "Nation mourns loss of great comedian" talking about the acid tongued Joan Rivers; Kim Kardashian book of selfies named "Selfish" is all over the news (can't wait to get my copy----NOT!) Obama administration is not openly upset that 2 news reporters have been beheaded by ISIS. ISIS is an organized killer gang of the world and what are we doing. Obama calls them junior varsity?? Huh? Is he seeing what is happening?
BUT --------B U T ----- don't let the words Jesus, God, Holy Spirit or prayer come even close to a public place. Take down that cross it may offend someone. Speech must always be PC (politically correct). We must consider other peoples feelings (even if they stomp on our rights and feelings).
What is going on America? Are we just puppets or pawns to be moved and manipulated? Only 1 of 4 Christians bother to vote and then we complain about what is happening.
Man, are we messed up!!!! Are you afraid to tell others of Jesus? You could say, what in the HELL is going on, AND, that is exactly what is going on -- HELL -- satan is loose and his demons are having a hayday creating havoc. Mayhem was created by the devil, not the auto insurance commercial.
ISIS is on our borders, planted in cells across the USA, and what are we doing? Nothing, absolutely nothing!!
Brother, sister, make certain your family knows Jesus and is not afraid of death. Time is drawing nigh and we need to be prepared. Read the Harbinger by Hahn if you would like a glimpse of how we are paralleling ancient Israel (732 BC). It is an eye-opener.
This is not doom and gloom, but reality and we need to wake up America. I am tired of it and ain't gonna take it any more - let this be the battle cry of the Saints. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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