Murder in the first ----Guilty!
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
Okay, yesterday the text ended when Cain's offering was not accepted by God and Cain and the Lord had a conversation. If you will look carefully at the text, study it rather than just "read" it, Cain was mad that the Lord did not accept his offering and he harbored this anger for a time. The Lord even told him if you do well you will be accepted; yet, this fell on Cain's deaf ears.
Then as this anger festered Cain talked his brother Abel into going into the field with him. Cain anger was aimed toward Abel, when it was he who did wrong but would not accept responsibility. Sound familiar - not taking responsibility for their actions.
Then Cain killed Abel and the Lord came to him and asked him where his brother was. Cain replied saying how would he know, he is not his brother's keeper. God gave Cain an opportunity to be truthful about what had happened. Cain lied. Then the Lord held Cain's feet to the fire when he said:
"What hast thous done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."
How oft do we choose to lie rather than take responsibility? Reflect back in your life. Have you done this? Truthfully?
Then look what happened to Cain. Just as we do with our children, or as your were told - tell the truth, yes, you will still be corrected, but the correction will be worse if you lie. Why, oh why do we, humans, think we can weasel out of what we did; blame it on someone else; deny; lie!
The Lord told Cain when he tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.. So, the earth will bear fruit but it will not be good as it was before and he will be a nomad, wandering throughout the earth. Hmmm! And what does Cain say? Tune in tomorrow. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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