
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Birthpangs of the world! Jesus' return!!! Matthew 24:8

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
   How close are the end times?  Closer than they were yesterday.  Jesus' disciples expected the end at any time; my parents generation expected the end at any time; and now, generations away from Jesus' time we are still looking for the end times.  Are they close?  Yes, here is a list of 26 end times if you wish to view them.  Each one is backed by scripture.
    Jesus said in Matthew 24 verse All these are the beginning of sorrows.  This follows the verses that speak of wars, rumors of war, nation against nation, etc.  Take the word "sorrows" in the original language.   In the original text the word sorrow means "birth pangs" and Jesus said this was the "beginning" of sorrows.
   So!? What are we saying here?  When a woman comes into labor the birth pangs happen every once in a while.  Then as time continues and time hastens closer to the actual birth, the pangs become more frequent and stronger and many time lasts longer.
    If you look around at our world, note the "birth pangs" of the world, of the returning of Jesus.  Yes, more things are happening, closer together, lasting longer, and the "birth" or "return of Jesus" is closer.  Will we see it in our lifetime?   Don't know!  But our spirit, we do know will see Jesus and spend eternity with Him.
   Need we worry and fret?  No, we should hasten to tell of Jesus and the path of salvation.  We need to be as the farmer on fallow ground, casting seeds forth so they may germinate and grow.  Pray and tell others of Jesus!  Be not intimidated and know that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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